Brandon Access Exchange Services or B.A.E.S is a non-profit organization. The program is funded by Status of Women and is supported by the Brandon Friendship Centre. B.A.E.S. collaborates with other agencies such as BPS, Justice Department, DOCFS and other community agencies.

Our primary goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of children by providing a secure and comfortable environment for visits or exchanges with their parents.

At B.A.E.S. we offer three different types of services: supervised visits, intermittent visits and supervised exchanges. These services are offered to families who have experienced some level of conflict in their relationships or where children are in the care of Child and Family Services.

The staff at B.A.E.S. act as an independent body who focuses on children having a positive relationship with both of their parents during family dissolution. Staff will not make assessments or judgments on whether a parent should or should not have supervised visits. We are not involved with negotiating access conditions between parties, or act as messenger between parties involved in the program.