If you are interested in using B.A.E.S. visitation site please contact the Program Director by phone at 204-729-8115 or email; bfcaccess@mymts.net
Office hours are: Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm.
Parents requesting to use the program must arrange to meet individually with the B.A.E.S. Program Director to complete an intake package to arrange access with their child(ren).
The intake package must be completed before any supervised visit or exchanges can be scheduled.
Both parents are required to sign a service agreement stating their understanding of the program expectations and policies, and agreeing to abide by them.
Parents will be asked to provide copies of Interim orders, final orders, No Contact Orders and Protection Orders if applicable.
Both parents are required to have a contact phone number/email address where they can be reached in case there is a cancellation of visit/exchange or there is an emergency.